One thing you miss when you live in somewhere like Las Vegas is the change of seasons. Don't get me wrong, Las Vegas in the Winter is not all warm with everyone walking around in is a desert and they get darn cold at night. We were in London the last weekend of October and decided to spend some time on the Sunday at Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park. The first photo was one I just had to take, those beautiful Autumn colors as the leaves change. Plenty of people were enjoying the day.

Ahhh here is one of the many characters who is out there in Hyde Park every Sunday at Speaker's Corner. People speaking their minds and the crowds either just listening and sometimes joining in to have a debate.

We decided to get the Tube to check out the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. Sadly, by the time we got to the other side of the river to get a better shot of it all...the batteries in my camera died! At least I did manage to get a few good shots including this one.

No trip to London is complete without a stop at Beadworks. This is my favorite bead shop when we are there. It is at the edge of Covent Garden but it is great for us as my husband goes to the pub around the corner and I meet him there once I'm done. Funny thing was, when we first got there there were about 5-6 men standing I just bought some seed beads, daggers and Swarovski drops but it felt good to be among beads, how sad is that?

We also went to the Natural History Museum which was brilliant. I shall save that for another post as I got LOADS of photos of some amazing ammonites and other gemstones on display there.