Friday, January 28, 2011

Favorites For Friday

For those of you who sell over on Etsy, you will know about all the new things they are adding for us sellers(buyers too). One of them is Circles and to be honest I'm not quite sure what the full purpose is but I have been using mine to add fellow members of the Handmade in Vegas Team. I'm sure at some point I'll just add people but for now that is what I am doing. So this weeks Favorites are a few of my fellow members from my circle.

Coral Wrap/Twist Dress - Loca Loves Pirate

Queen of Hearts Earrings - Ametista

Little Meat Cleaver Earrings - Nascent Cascade

Small Jar of Purple Buttons - FFTFandB

Spider Web Pendant - Desert Studio

Enjoy the lovely handmade items and have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the dress is gorgeous.

    I think the circle was created for sellers to become more interactive.
    I like the activity feed, though!
