Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Facebook....I Love You!

Just a quick post today as I just had to proclaim my love for this website. You see, I resisted Facebook for a long time. Went over to Twitter as I thought it would be easier to manage and a better way to get the word out about my jewelry. Boy, was I wrong! You know that since I've been on Facebook, only a few months, I have had 2 sales on Etsy that are directly from Facebook. Man, what a dumba$$ I was, I shoulda been on there ages ago. Well, you live and learn. Oh, and one of those sales was from a woman who I am "friends" with because she plays Farmville and is one of my "neighbors".

Thanks for the well wish as I'm feeling 100% better though the weather here is crazy hot still. Oh and those earring cards I had in my last post for Favorites For Friday....I am in the process of getting some ordered. Waiting to hear if my photo is ok and I'm also only getting 50 as opposed to the 100 to begin with. I'll let you know how they come out once I get them.


  1. Congrats on the Facebook sales! I'm still trying to figure out what to do on Facebook but it is fun!

    Glad you are feeling better. We've been in the 80s here but it feels really toasty! :)

  2. Congrats Theresa, I avoided facebook as well until recently and it has proven to be a big success for me!

  3. Welcome to the "other side"! We're glad you came. I'll have to go and like your page now!

  4. Congratulations Theresa! I too decided to take the Twitter road first, but it's like talking in a crowded room. Facebook is so much better. I vowed NEVER to join Facebook, but look where I am now! lol. Glad you're feeling better!

  5. LMAO Thanks Xiztance (Deb). I actually have to say I enjoy FB much MUCH more than Twitter. Sharla, if you need some tips just let me know and maybe I can give you a little bit of newbie too advice.
