Monday, September 14, 2009

I Love Lucy Award

I was actually given this award by Kat over at Candle, Crafts and Whatnot back at the end of August so I profusely apologize to her for not getting to it sooner. I have to admit I'm more of a Ralph Kramden (The Honeymooners) fan but hey, it's all about awarding people and their blogs for cheering people up. So of course, I was honored to have Kat bestow me with this award. This award is probably the hardest for me to give out since there are so many blogs out there that I stop by that cheer me up but I'll try to pick a few. Lin over at a Duck and Wheel with String always manages to come up with some great posts that make me laugh as does Don over at Beyond Left Field.

Those are the funny ones that always cheer me up but all the animal blogs also work wonders. Nothing cheers me up more than cute animals such as those llamas over at Split Rock Ranch or Pricilla and the other goats here. I also include all of you who post photos of your cats or dogs for all of us to see. I probably should have done a job working with animals because they cheer me up the most. So thanks Kat and thanks to everyone who has managed to be able to cheer me up during these rotten times....goodness knows I've needed it at!


  1. Congratulations on the award. We all need the cheer me up award.I'm glad I have one.

  2. Congratulations! You definitely deserve it. :)

    However, I have to admit...I've never pictured you as the Ralph Kramden type...but now my mental image of you is very clear! ;) xx

  3. Congratulations on receiving this award!
    I remember that episode so well (Lucy eating the chocolates) ☺
    I love animal blogs too...

  4. Congrats, you well deserve it. Lin was a great choice. She has one of the most refreshing blogs out there.

  5. I thought I left a thank you comment... I must be losing my goat mind! I am very sorry.

    Thank you so much for granting me this award. The publicist is notorious for forgetting to post my awards. I will butt her for you.
